Samen met Iris Wuisman, hoogleraar Ondernemingsrecht, in Leiden, schreef ik een bijdrage over aansprakelijkheid van bestuurders en commissarissen naar Nederlands recht. Die bijdrage maakt onderdeel uit van het Directors’ & Officers’s (D&O) Liability-project van het European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL) in Wenen.
ECTIL omschrijft het project als volgt:
“In recent years several cases concerning the liability of directors and officers have courted controversy. Arguments raised in such discussions oscillate between two extremes: on the one hand, the need for governing bodies to give a space to entrepreneurial discretion and on the other hand to ensure the protection of investors in and creditors of a company from the consequences of disadvantageous decisions by those bodies. In light of the geographical dispersal of the above stakeholders, the study offers a comparative insight into the liability of directors and officers in 10 key European jurisdictions (in particular, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain and Switzerland) and 4 non-European jurisdictions (namely Brazil, Israel, Turkey and the United States). Amongst other things it investigates existing company law principles on the topic and examines their interaction with tort law and other fields with a view to suggesting principles for better stakeholder protection. National reports are complemented by an economic analysis and insurance, conflict of laws and comparative reports. The study also benefits from case study analyses. It is funded under the generous auspices of the B&C Privatstiftung.”
De landenrapport zijn gebundeld en in boekvorm uitgebracht. Voor het boek klik hier. Voor het Nederlandse landenrapport klik hier (onder embargo).